It’s my birthday! 8D I can’t believe I’m 29 years old… it’s so strange that I’m fast approaching the fourth decade of my life. There are some days when I feel like I’m never going to “amount to anything”, and there are some where I feel the vast potential of pre-high school, before the battle cry of “decide what to do with your life now!”
I know what I want to do. I want to write professionally, make films, and to maybe act. The difficulty is finding the confidence to try. I find that confidence tends to be my greatest weakness. How do you overcome a lifetime of poor self-esteem and severe self-doubt? Add in social anxiety, and the desire to try seems to dissipate almost immediately.
I surround myself with creative, supportive people. I have a limited circle of friends who get to see my writing, and now I’ve posted snippets of things for you, the collective world, to see. This site is my start. The first step on the path to trying to overcome years of doubt and discomfort with sharing my art with the world. Thank you for being here, for being with me on my journey. <3